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Zingari, Leoncavallo
C: Carlo Rizzi
(Recording of the Week) Leoncavallo's Zingari on Opera Rara

American baritone Stephen Gaertner acquits himself splendidly...rendering Tamar’s transition from spurned suitor to illicit love-interest (in Pagliacci terms, from Tonio to Silvio) more convincing than it looks on paper, and investing the ‘Canto Notturno’ which recurs in both ‘episodes’ with real poetry.

23 сентября 2022www.prestomusic.comKatherine Cooper
CD Review: Opera Rara’s ‘Zingari’

...[the equally magisterial Stephen] Gaertner commands a rock-solid technique which, in true bel canto style, allows him to gloriously spin the line in Tamar’s ‘Canto Notturno’ and reach notes above the staff with no seeming effort.

22 ноября 2022operawire.comBob Dieschburg

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