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Les Troyens, Berlioz
C: John Nelson
Starry night: Les Troyens in Strasbourg

That performances of Les Troyens, with its enormous cast, are an ‘event’ goes without saying but with a cast as starry as tonight’s, expectations were stratospheric. The Strasbourgeois assembled 350 performers tonight – a super-sized orchestra, including six harps, numerous off-stage bands, sixteen soloists and three choruses, including one placed off-stage and, at times, in the auditorium. It was an especially nice touch to invite the chorus of the Karlsruhe opera, where Berlioz’ magnum opus was first performed complete, to participate. Tonight’s performance, and a second on Monday, were recorded for Erato for release in due course.

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16 duben 2017operatraveller.com
Lessons in Love and Violence, Benjamin
D: Katie Mitchell
C: Kent Nagano
Madman in Lessons in Love and Violence by Sir George Benjamin

Andri Björn Róbertsson, der bereits an der Uraufführung als dritter Zeuge und Madman mitwirkte und sicher schon damals besonders in der zweiten Rolle, in seinen Bann zog, durch seinen wohlklingenden Bassbariton und authentisches Spiel.

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Birgit Kleinfeld - Opernmagazin.de
Madman in Lesson in Love and Violence by Sir George Benjamin

Saluons également la composition, impressionnante, d'Andri Björn Róbertson en déséquilibré revendiquant la couronne et que Mortimer fait éliminer, en guise de leçon, devant le Fils d'Edouard

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Bernard Schreuders - Forum Opera

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