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Čert a Káča, Dvořák
D: Zuzana Fischer
C: Martin LeginusBranko Ladič
Čert a Káča v SND

Opera Čert a Káča v SND je iná v mnohých ohľadoch. Odvážna, drzá, farebná, dynamická, pútavá pre detského diváka, no pozor, nie prvoplánová, takže aj dospelý si v nej nájde mnoho odkazov na zamyslenie. Oproti minimalizmu, s ktorým sa v súčasnosti v divadelníctve stretávame, sa nám zrazu v opere Čert a Káča otvára veľký, pestrofarebný svet plný dynamiky.

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15 March 2022mojakultura.skZuzana Vachová
Don Giovanni, Mozart
D: Alexander Mørk-Eidem
C: Karsten JanuschkeJan Chalupecký
Don Giovanni ventures beyond the footlights at the Estates Theatre in Prague

Mozart enjoyed great success in Prague. Don Giovanni was commissioned after Le nozze di Figaro had proved such a huge hit at the Nostitz in January 1787 (a bigger hit than in Vienna) and his final opera La clemenza di Tito premiered at the theatre in 1791, months before the composer’s untimely death. The Estates is tiny, seating just 635 (closer to 800 in Mozart’s day) and from the brief glimpses at the start of the stream one realises what an intimate experience it must be watching opera there. If the theatre looks familiar, that could be because Miloš Forman shot scenes there for his Oscar-winning film Amadeus.

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25 April 2021bachtrack.comMark Pullinger,
Roberto Devereux, Donizetti
D: Anton Korenči
C: Peter ValentovicVinicius Kattah

Milovníci opery sa môžu tešiť na ďalší skvelý zážitok. Na javisku Historickej budovy Štátneho divadla Košice v týchto dňoch vrcholia poslednými skúškami prípravy novej opernej inscenácie Roberto Devereux z pera skladateľa Gaetana Donizettiho. Jedno z vrcholných diel bel canta pripravovala košická opera už na jeseň a v novembri mala byť jeho premiéra rozlúčkou svetoznámej slovenskej opernej divy Edity Gruberovej s jej skvelou kariérou. Plány zmarila pandémia koronavírusu. Nová inscenácia, žiaľ bez Edity Gruberovej, tak za svojimi divákmi príde najprv prostredníctvom vysielania na portáli navstevnik.online v obsadení, v ktorom sa stretli domáci sólisti, ale aj známe mená svetového a slovenského operného sveta.

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21 April 2021www.sdke.skSvjatoslav Dohovič
The Slovak opera season was started by Košice. They set the bar high

With the review of the new opera of the Košice State Theater, Donizetti's work Roberto Devereux, we are starting a new collaboration with the leading opera critic Michaela Mojžišová.

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02 October 2021dennikstandard.skMichaela Mojžišová
Nabucco, Verdi
D: Václav Věžník
C: Vinicius KattahIgor DohovičJakub Žídek
Years later, Nabucco returns to the State Theater

After five years, one of Giuseppe Verdi's most played operas, Nabucco, returns to the stage of the Košice State Theater (ŠD). The well-known story from biblical times with the ingenious music of the giant of Romanticism has the ambition to become a hit again, similarly to previous studies in Košice. An international team of soloists, as well as an unconventional meeting of generations in the implementation team, is helping to do so, as it was directed by the legendary Czech director Václav Věžník and the conductor of the music studio by the young talented Czech conductor Jakub Židek.

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19 October 2011kosice.dnes24.skZuzana Vajayová
Nabucco will be the first premiere of the season

One of Giuseppe Verdi's most played operas, Nabucco, will be the opening premiere of this season at the Košice State Theater. The well-known story from biblical times, underlined by the ingenious music of the giant of romanticism, has the ambition to become a hit of the Košice audience again.

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20 October 2011kosice.korzar.sme.sk

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