Operabase Home
Antony and Cleopatra, John Coolidge Adams
D: Elkhanah Pulitzer
C: John Coolidge Adams
Premiera națională
Harawi (Song of Love and Death), Olivier Messiaen
D: Zack Winokur
C: Cath Brittan
Upload, Michel van der Aa
D: Michel van der Aa
C: Otto Tausk
Premiera națională
Upload, Michel van der Aa
D: Michel van der Aa
C: Otto Tausk
Upload, Michel van der Aa
D: Michel van der Aa
C: Otto Tausk
Recital, Various
Girls of the Golden West, John Coolidge Adams
C: John Coolidge Adams
Fire Shut Up In My Bones, Terence Blanchard
D: James Robinson
C: William Long
Premieră mondială
Girls of the Golden West, John Coolidge Adams
D: Peter Sellars
C: Grant Gershon
The Rake's Progress, Igor Stravinsky
D: Simon McBurneyLeah Hausman
C: Ivor Bolton
Girls of the Golden West, John Coolidge Adams
D: Peter Sellars
C: Grant Gershon
Premieră mondială
The Indian Queen (Indian Queen), Henry Purcell
D: Peter Sellars
C: Teodor Currentzis

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