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“Jonathan Blalock had even more theatrical and vocal authority."

18 октября 2016Heidi Waleson, The Wall Street Journal

“The remarkable young American tenor Jonathan Blalock sustained this grueling tessitura up to and including a tour de force final solo scene with hardly a trace of strain."

18 октября 2016James Jorden, The New York Observer

Рецензии прошлых постановок

La finta giardiniera, Mozart
D: Eric Einhorn
C: Geoffrey McDonald
On Site Opera Review 2016-17 – The Secret Gardener: Co-Commission With Atlanta Opera Results In Fascinating Communal Storytelling By David Salazar

On Site Opera assembled a terrific cast for the proceedings. Ashley Kerr starred as Violet, growing more and more comfortable vocally as the night proceeded. She was particularly wonderful during the close of the opera during her clinching love scene with Belfiore. Standing only a few feet away from where I was seated, she sang of her growing feelings with a gloriously polished legato and vibrato, her voice floating rather easily throughout the space, wiping out any distractions around. Her characterization of the heroine, while playful also played up her elegance. Even though she was a gardener, her gait suggested her class, particularly when compared to the body language of other characters.

12 мая 2017operawire.comDavid Salazar
Back to the Garden

The wildly creative stage director Eric Einhorn has so many tricks up his sleeve that we never know what he will come up with next. Except we do know and we will tell you a bit at the end of this review. The entire premise of On Site Opera is to match the production to an appropriate setting. Regular readers will know exactly what we refer to but others can enter "On Site Opera" into the search bar to fill in their knowledge, lest we repeat ourselves.

12 мая 2017www.vocedimeche.reviewsMeche Kroop

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