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How 3 Months Behind Japan's Closed Borders Became 21 Concerts with 5 Orchestras

The next stop on my unanticipated tour marked my debut on the podium of the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, which I found to be its own, complete instrument, shaped by its great Chief Conductor Kazushi Ono. The style of the orchestra is adventurous, curious, and precise. Never have I heard such a theatrical yet finely tuned Stravinsky Firebird--menacing, mesmerizing, and mellifluous. The Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, next on my itinerary for no less than six performances, is led by Sebastian Weigle and so is very much a German tradition orchestra. Yusuke Hayashi and Kota Nagahara shared concertmaster duties for the annual daiku: Beethoven's Symphony 9, Choral. Among the six iterations, we together found new details and discoveries in this too often played masterpiece, making it an absolute pleasure.

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08 febrúar 2022img1.wsimg.comAmerican conductor John Axelrod arrived in Kyoto, Japan, from Switzerland in time for the requisite ten-day quarantine before his appearance on the podium of the City of Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, November 27 and 28. His next scheduled engagement, with the
Bucharest Symphony Names New Principal Conductor

Alongside the Bucharest Symphony Orchestra (BSO) role, John Axelrod will maintain his position as Principal Guest Conductor of the City of Kyoto Symphony Orchestra.

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05 ágúst 2022img1.wsimg.comAmerican conductor John Axelrod will step into the role

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