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Don Carlos (French version), Verdi
D: Vincent Huguet
C: Michele Spotti

...erwärmte sich ihre Stimme sofort und war danach die vollen vier Stunden mit abweisenden oder warmen Tönen stets wunderbar präsent, steigerte sich zu einer famosen „Toi qui sus le Néant des grandeurs de ce monde“ – Arie, die den stärksten Applaus des Abends erhielt.

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25 април 2022onlinemerker.comAlex Eisinger
The Nose, op. 15, Shostakovich
D: Herbert Fritsch
C: Clemens Heil
One is drawn into a sound experience by many surprising influences from various musical styles.

Herbert Fritsch , known for his colorful and extremely lively productions, makes all the actors appear like puppets in constant motion and demands everything from the singers. There is hardly a moment when there aren't exaggerated gestures and constant jumping, twitching and grimacing. Everything looks extremely abstract. This may have some entertainment value, but over time it just becomes too much.

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30 ноември 2021opernmagazin.deMarco Stücklin
One is drawn into a sound experience by many surprising influences from various musical styles.

Herbert Fritsch , known for his colorful and extremely lively productions, makes all the actors appear like puppets in constant motion and demands everything from the singers. There is hardly a moment when there aren't exaggerated gestures and constant jumping, twitching and grimacing. Everything looks extremely abstract. This may have some entertainment value, but over time it just becomes too much.

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30 ноември 2021opernmagazin.deMarco Stücklin
Billy Budd, Britten
D: Annilese Miskimmon
C: Michał Klauza
Maritime Claustrophobia: Billy Budd at the Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa

Wojciech Parchem offered a characterful and healthily-produced tenor as Red Whiskers, suggesting that he also could be a fine Vere.

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15 април 2019operatraveller.comOperatraveller

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