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Florentine Opera / Рецензии

Милуоки, Висконсин, Соединенные Штаты | Организация
Florentine Opera Returns to the Stage with ‘Roméo et Juliette’

The rest of the cast, especially Zachary Nelson as Mercutio, were solid in their parts. I very music liked the conducting of Franceso Milioto, who shows sensitivity to phrasing with the singers. The chorus sounded at their best.

26 октября 2022shepherdexpress.comRICK WALTERS
Roméo et Juliette, Gounod
D: David Lefkowich
C: Franceso Milioto
Florentine Opera Returns to the Stage with ‘Roméo et Juliette’

The rest of the cast, especially Zachary Nelson as Mercutio, were solid in their parts. I very music liked the conducting of Franceso Milioto, who shows sensitivity to phrasing with the singers. The chorus sounded at their best.

26 октября 2022shepherdexpress.comRICK WALTERS

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