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Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Romania | Orchestra

Recensioni di produzioni precedenti

Fernand Cortez, Spontini
C: Jean-Paul Penin
Spontini inaudito Grandeur y Gloire

“A resaltar los papeles del Baritono Hugh Mackey…Mackey fue un asombroso Gran Sacerdote, gran fuerza y nada amedrentado por le sonido que salia a sus espaldas desde el coro y los atriles“ “To highlight the roles of Hugh Mackey…Mackey was an amazing Grand Priest, with great force and not at all intimidated by the sound that came from behind him from the choir and the lecterns“

Per saperne di più
24 gennaio 2003www.mundoclasico.comRaul Martinez

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