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The Metropolitan Opera - Le nozze di Figaro

The Metropolitan Opera - Le nozze di Figaro - February 2020 ​ "Etienne Dupuis‘ Count was another treasure of the evening. Younger than usual, closer to forty than fifty, which makes sense, his more lyric baritone, still resonant in the lower range and large in general, made for a fairly complex figure, one who is really able to see the value of his relationship with his wife in the end and to ask her forgiveness sincerely. (Herr Meister adopted an almost mystical breadth of tempo for this part.) Before, he is largely under the control of his desire for Susanna and an atavistic compulsion to satisfy his craving and his will. It may be that he feels in love with her in a Cherubino-ish way as well, but the production makes it clear that his eye and hands are accustomed to wandering. I suspect he may have benefited from a close study of Marcel Dalio’s great performance as a count of more recent mint in La Règle du jeu, one who did not, like Almaviva, grow up in an ancestral castle and palace." Michael Miller New York Arts - February 2020

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01 fevereiro 2020Michael Miller

Revisões de produção anteriores

La Bohème, Puccini
D: Franco Zeffirelli
C: Eun Sun Kim
Puccinis "La Bohème" an der Wiener Staatsoper

Wien – Nach fünf ungeplanten Schließtagen wird an der Wiener Staatsoper wieder klangschön und stimmkräftig geliebt und gestorben. Im Fall von La Bohème bereits zum 444. Mal im zauberhaften Ambiente von Franco Zeffirelli. Muss Violetta Valéry in Simon Stones Traviata-Inszenierung in spiegelglatten Instagram-Welten ihrem Ende entgegenhusten, so präsentiert der italienische Regiegroßmeister die Schwindsucht-Metropole Paris von ihrer malerischen Seite. Nicole Car ist in dieser Aufführungsserie eine rührende Mimì: die Bescheidenheit in Person. Auf bedächtige Weise, mit weichem, verdecktem Sopran, gibt die Australierin am Dreikönigstag die arme Stickerin.

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07 janeiro 2022www.derstandard.at
WIEN/ Staatsoper: LA BOHÈME

Wenn ich nicht irre, dann ist die wundervolle Zeffirelli-Produktion von Puccinis „La Bohème“ nun die zweitälteste Inszenierung im Repertoire der Wiener Staatsoper. Und noch immer bietet sie für ständig wechselnde Besetzungen einen idealen Rahmen, um dem Publikum die Geschichte vom Leben und Sterben der Näherin Mimì gefühlvoll zu vermitteln.

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13 janeiro 2022onlinemerker.comWalter Nowotny
Il barbiere di Siviglia, Rossini
D: Herbert Fritsch
C: Stefano MontanariMichele MariottiGiacomo Sagripanti
Rothko meets Rococo in the Wiener Staatsoper's new Il barbiere di Siviglia

Flórez set a high bar, but the other principals cleared it. Paolo Bordogna was an engagingly buffo Bartolo. As Rosina, Vasilisa Berzhanskaya’s coloratura was impeccable, her middle voice well controlled, her high notes sure-footed. The robust baritone of Étienne Dupuis’ Figaro was the perfect instrument for the wily barber with his finger in every Sevillian pie who helps guide Almaviva and Rosina to a happy ending. And as the scheming Don Basilio, Ildar Abdrazakov’s gloriously effortless and sonorous bass was a treat. Also good, if not exceptional, were Aurora Marthens as Bartolo’s nerve-wracked maid and Stefan Astakhov as Almaviva's servant, Fiorello. And if not champagne, the Staatsopernorchester under Michele Mariotti was at least a sparkling wine, delivering much of the elegance, wit, zest and glitter found in the music. But not all was well on stage. No less an expert than Verdi wrote that Barbiere “is the finest opera buffa that exists”. Rossini left plenty of room for slapstick in his comic opera, but there was simply too much of it in this performance; too many unnecessary pratfalls, too much mugging. Simply put, it was too laboured an effort to be funny. And so, the heavy handed attempts to provoke laughs from the audience soon met the same fate as the perpetually moving scenic backdrops: at first pleasing, they soon turned annoying, two blemishes on an otherwise enjoyable evening.

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03 outubro 2021bachtrack.comGeorge Jahn

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