Don Giovanni, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D: Stefanos Koroneos
C: David Bloom
Giulietta e Romeo (Juliet and Romeo), Riccardo Zandonai
D: Stefanos Koroneos
C: Christian Capocaccia
Vanqui (The Prisoner of Freedom), Leslie Burrs
D: Luther Lewis III
C: Antoine T. Clark
Why I Live at the P.O, Stephen Eddins
D: Dennis Whitehead Darling
C: Robert Wood
Recital, Various
La Bohème, Giacomo Puccini
D: Dennis Whitehead Darling
C: Kathleen Kelly
Outcast at the Gate, Joel Feigin
D: Brent Funderburk
C: Sara Jobin
Amahl and the Night Visitors, Gian Carlo Menotti
D: Adam Cioffari
C: Alessandro Siciliani
Il tabarro (The Cloak), Giacomo Puccini
C: Alessandro Siciliani
La gazza ladra (The Thieving Magpie), Gioachino Rossini
D: Benjamin Spierman
C: Michael SpiermanMichael C. Haigler

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