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Lucia di Lammermoor, Donizetti
D: David Alden
C: Stuart Stratford
A Dramatic and Musically Triumphant Mad Scene is a Highlight of ENO’s Lucia Revival

Such intensity demands a parallel level of emotional power from the pit, and here Stuart Stratford, a familiar name from Opera Holland Park (see Puccini’s La fanciulla or Mascagni’s Iris, for example), provided just that. The English National Opera Orchestra gave their all in a performance of Lucia that also included a great deal of nuance. Stratford understands the voice, and how phrases need to breathe; he also, crucially, gets Donizetti’s orchestration. A sense of flow permeated the whole from the very opening; and to hear the ENO Orchestra on such full-toned form was a joy indeed. They clearly respect Stratford, whose deep musicality added immeasurably to the evening.

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11 Noiembrie 2018seenandheard-international.comColin Clarke
Disturbing intensity: Lucia di Lammermoor at ENO

Tynan fully identified with the portrayal of Lucia, giving us a profoundly disturbing picture of a woman who was controlled and neutralised by society, fighting back in the only way possible. This meant that in Acts One and Two she was relatively passive, and one of this production's clever strokes is to make Edgardo just as controlling, in his different way, as Enrico. It is clear, this Lucia will be controlled no matter what, so madness is the only way out.

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31 Octombrie 2018www.planethugill.comRobert Hugill
Il barbiere di Siviglia, Rossini
D: Axel Köhler
C: Robin EngelenMarcus Merkel

In dieser Vorstellung übernahm der holländische Bariton Peter Bording die Titelrolle, und stellte mit seinem kräftigen Bariton einen eleganten Figaro dar [...].

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07 Februarie 2016Walter Nowotny

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