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Elaine Alvarez is a stunning young beauty with black hair, dark eyes, a strong voice, musicality and acting chops to make her someone to watch. In this role she conveys the innocence of a child mixed with the ultimate femme fatale, who's poisonous touch will doom both lovers... In her tour-de-force death scene, Alvarez shows off her control of voice and range when she asks Giovanni if his words were not more poisonous than her nature.

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26 junio 2017Los Angeles Magazine

...Elaine Alvarez offers singing still somewhat young, lacking in maturity for this role, but the vocal color is beautiful and the technique much more accomplished than the tenor's...the lower notes are sumptuous and the phrasing remarkable. She excels especially in cabaletta's where her agility is particularly spectacular: an artist to follow.

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26 junio 2017opera World magazine

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