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Gonzalo di Cordova: La herencia de Domínguez-Nieto

"Entre las voces masculinas, destacó nuevamente un consistente y sólido David Cervera como Muley, que ya sorprendiera en su actuación el Requiem de Verdi el pasado mes de enero." (Traducción Italiano: "Tra le voci maschili, un consistente e solido David Cervera si è distinto ancora una volta nei panni di Muley, che già aveva sorpreso il Requiem di Verdi nella sua esecuzione lo scorso gennaio.")

Per saperne di più
16 giugno 2023www.mundoclasico.comJosé Amador Morales

Recensioni di produzioni precedenti

Aida, Verdi
D: Javier Agulló
C: José Escandell

The histrionic Amneris by Ángela Lorite offered a remarkable and theatrically effective vocal performance, with a certain acidity in the timbre that suits the character well. The Amneris-Aida duo of theThe second act was one of the best moments of the performance.

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Opera World
'Aída' triumphs in San Sebastián de los Reyes

The Adolfo Marsillach Auditorium Theater in San Sebastián de los Reyes , located 25 kilometers from Madrid's Puerta del Sol square, offered a performance of Aida by the LG Artist Management company . Full room, enthusiastic public and wanting to have a good time with a lyrical show whose price per seat was 25 euros. We already know that this Verdian title is very popular, as much as Carmen or Tosca , although perhaps now they are a little jealous because the Egyptian Museum of Turin has even prepared a solo exhibition for the Ethiopian slave , on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of her birth. birth / premiere. And perhaps that is why this Aida is experiencing a successful tour of more than twelve Spanish cities in the months of March and April. Javier Agulló 's staging is not a waste of scenery or props. And there is no need that he has done. In that nudity, barely seasoned with some panels or screens with prints in the style of Ancient Egypt, the projections of images and videos on the screen that serves as a background for the stage space stand out. His proposal tells the plot clearly, moves the choir members fluently and makes the most of the solo singers' acting skills. The team of soloists was led by the stupendous Aida offered to us by the Venezuelan Mariana Ortiz , a pure lyric soprano with a beautiful, smooth and pointed timbre. She knows and masters her instrument and brings her character to her ground, singing with line, breath control and dramatic subtlety. Georgian tenor Giorgi Meladze displayed the necessary vocal attributes for Radames, a fair mix of heroism and poetry, however his stage interaction was unconvincing, far from the romantic axis of the plot. The histrionic Amneris by Ángela Lorite offered a remarkable and theatrically effective vocal performance, with a certain acidity in the timbre that suits the character well. The Amneris-Aida duo of theThe second act was one of the best moments of the performance. The baritone Pedro Carrillo was a discreet Amonasro in his first intervention, growing up and showing himself to be more comfortable in the duet with his daughter. Very well sung and acted Ramfis by David Cervera , bass with stupendous vocal qualities, like the King by Armando del Hoyo and the Priestess by Rocío Faus , while Iulian Dumitras fulfilled his mission as the Messenger. The choir sang and moved appropriately and at a good level. Leading the orchestra was José Escandell , attentive to the choir and soloists and with a predilection for temposlower than usual to the detriment of the dramatic tension. The audience enthusiastically applauded all the artists at the end of the performance. Many of them commented that these presentations should be more frequent. Hopefully and those responsible will listen to them. Adolfo Marsillach Auditorium Theatre, March 19, 2022. 'Aida' by Giuseppe Verdi. Musical direction: José Escandell. Stage direction: Javier Agulló. Orchestra and Choir of LG Artists Management. Aida: Mariana Ortiz. Radames: Giorgi Meladze. Amneris: Angela Lorite. Monastery: Pedro Carrillo . Ramfis: David Cervera. The King of Egypt: Armando del Hoyo. The priestess: Rocío Faus. The messenger: Iulian Dumitras.

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21 marzo 2022www.operaworld.esFederico Figueroa
Rigoletto, Verdi
D: Emiliano Suarez
C: Miquel Ortega
Rigoletto, de Giuseppe Verdi. Ópera garaje

Rigoletto fue un payaso de éxito en el Circo Zarkana. Las cosas no fueron bien y una grave depresión le llevo a la ruina, la miseria a la indigencia y la pobreza a la deshonra. Rigoletto es la descarnada historia de la cruel fuerza del destino. Un padre desesperado, avergonzado de su condición y atrapado en el odio de venganza, tratará de proteger a su hija a cambio de cualquier precio. Gilda es todo lo que tiene y lo único que realmente le importa, pero el sino es implacable y el poderoso siempre gana. La vida y su lado más oscuro y terrible, en realidad, algo cercano pero incómodo de mirar. Sala talleres. Reparto: Javier Franco ‘Rigoletto’ | Miguel Borrallo ‘Il Ducca’ | Ruth Terán ‘Gilda’ | Sandra Ferrández ‘Magdalena’ | David Cervera ‘Sparafucille’| Pedro Quiralte ‘Barullo/Monterone’ Dirección de escena: Emiliano Suárez Dirección musical: Miquel Ortega

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Ópera Garage repite la fórmula del éxito con 'Rigoletto'

Ópera Garage repite la fórmula del éxito con 'Rigoletto' Bilbao

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07 giugno 2022www.operaactual.comJosé Miguel BALZOLA
Lucia di Lammermoor, Donizetti
D: Emiliano Suarez
C: Manuel Burgueras
Ópera Garage inicia los ensayos para su espectáculo único en Burgos de 'Lucia di Lammermoor'

Elenco y próximos destinos La producción cuenta con un elenco «de primer nivel», tal y como afirma Macarena Bergareche, formado por Celso Albelo en el papel de Edgardo, Leonor Bonilla (soprano), en el papel de Lucía; Javier Franco (Barítono) dando vida a Enrico; Olaia Lamata (Soprano) como Alisa; David Cervera (Bajo) interpretando a Raimondo y Emmanuel Faraldo (Tenor), como Arturo/Normando.

Per saperne di più
25 maggio 2022www.burgosconecta.es
Ópera Garage sorprende al público burgalés con la versión garaje de 'Lucia di Lammermoor'

La nave de Hierros Foro acoge este espectáculo único en Burgos que adapta para piano y voces la obra del compositor italian, con un elenco «de primer nivel»

Per saperne di più
28 maggio 2022www.burgosconecta.es

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