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Upcoming Production Videos

Iwein Löwenritter, Moritz Eggert
D: Aron Stiehl
C: Daniel Johannes Mayr

Past Production Videos

Iwein Löwenritter, Moritz Eggert
D: Aron Stiehl
C: Daniel Johannes Mayr
Flight, Jonathan Dove
D: Adriana Altaras
C: Daniel Johannes Mayr
Moses und Aron (Moses and Aaron), Arnold Schoenberg
D: Lorenzo Fioroni
C: Dirk Kaftan
LI-TAI-PE, Clemens Franckenstein
D: Adriana Altaras
C: Hermes Helfricht
Ernani, Giuseppe Verdi
D: Roland Schwab
C: Will HumburgMatteo Beltrami
Iwein Löwenritter, Moritz Eggert
D: Aron Stiehl
C: Daniel Johannes Mayr
World Premiere
Christus am Ölberge, op.85 (Christ on the Mount of Olives), Ludwig van Beethoven
D: Reinhild Hoffmann
C: Dirk Kaftan
Der Rosenkavalier (The Knight of the Rose), Richard Strauss
D: Josef Ernst Köpplinger
C: Dirk Kaftan

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