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Upcoming Production Videos

Giulio Cesare in Egitto (Julius Caesar in Egypt), Georg Friedrich Händel
D: David McVicar
C: Laurence Cummings

Past Production Videos

Written on Skin, George Benjamin
D: Katie Mitchell
C: Marc Albrecht
Giulio Cesare in Egitto (Julius Caesar in Egypt), Georg Friedrich Händel
D: Damiano Michieletto
C: Rinaldo Alessandrini
Semele, Georg Friedrich Händel
D: Adele Thomas
C: Václav Luks
Semele, Georg Friedrich Händel
D: Adele Thomas
C: Václav Luks
Saul, Georg Friedrich Händel
D: Axel Ranisch
C: David Bates
Hamlet, Brett Dean
D: Neil Armfield
C: Nicholas Carter
Concert, Various
C: Riccardo MinasiChristoph Koncz
The Choice of Hercules, Georg Friedrich Händel
C: Matthew Dirst
Saul, Georg Friedrich Händel
D: Barrie KoskyDonna Stirrup
C: Patrick Summers
Orlando, Georg Friedrich Händel
D: Harry Fehr
C: Christopher Moulds

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