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In a refreshingly original take on the trouser role, Anna Dowsley proves a star turn once again as the gawky Siebel – his gammy-leg presumably keeping him out of the army. She acts with understated passion and great realism, making her very, very watchable on stage. And vocally she’s first rate, clear and rich of tone with superlative diction.

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21 Febrer 2017Limelight Magazine, Australia

Among the strong cast, Anna Dowsley makes an impressive role debut as Rosina, singing with rounded fluency, agile control in rapid passages and with flashes of colour and vocal elan. From the dramatic point of view, she enlivened a graceful and poised demeanour with moments of coltish impetuousness.

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21 Febrer 2017Sydney Morning Herald

Ressenyes de producció anteriors

La Traviata, Verdi
D: Elijah MoshinskyTama Matheson
C: Renato Palumbo
Plush costumes and lavish sets make up for musical shortfalls in Opera Australia’s La traviata

“In his Australian debut, Rame Lahaj cut a dashing figure as Alfredo Germont. Not only is his voice strong enough to carry far into the back of the auditorium, it is also smooth and flexible enough to deliver the nuances of his wildly fluctuating moods. Reaching his high notes with ease and holding firmly on to them, he deftly handled a variety of inflections and finely honed phrasing. Expressive without being melodramatic, neither did he overplay his hand.”

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10 Juliol 2015bachtrack.comAlan Yu
Opera Australia: La Traviata review [Sydney 2015]

“Hailing from Kosovo, Lahaj is the most exciting Alfredo seen locally since Gianluca Terranova in the inaugural Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour. A terrific actor, Lahaj charts the full emotional journey of Alfredo, from ardent admirer to impassioned lover, through to his brutish anger and subsequent shame and sorrow. Despite his striking looks, Lahaj clearly conveys Alfredo’s shy awkwardness at first meeting Violetta. His countenance changes as a dark storm cloud overtakes Alfredo’s logic, which then melts away with as deep regret takes over […] Possessing a rich, luxurious voice, Lahaj moves easily from middle to upper register with equal strength. If there are fleeting moments when his pitching is not quite accurate, it may well have be due to opening night nerves, which will soon dissipate as the season progresses. Combined with his charismatic presence, and his clear enjoyment of being on stage, the tone and lustre of Lahaj’s voice portent a very exciting future […] The perfect choice for newcomers, long-term operagoers will also enjoy and appreciate this season of La Traviata for the thrilling debuts of Gore and Lahaj.”

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Don Giovanni, Mozart
D: Giorgio Ferrara
C: Sascha Goetzel
Convince il Don Giovanni di Mozart al Petruzzelli

Martina Gresia, particolarmente a suo agio nel ruolo drammatico di Donna Anna, può essere definita a pieno titolo la voce più applaudita della serata.

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Daniela Menga

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