Tidligere produktionsbilleder

La Fille du régiment (The Daughter of the Regiment), Gaetano Donizetti
D: Renaud DoucetAndré Barbe
C: Stefano Ranzani
Il trovatore (The Troubadour), Giuseppe Verdi
D: Lorenzo Mariani
C: Francesco Ivan Ciampa
Madama Butterfly (Madame Butterfly), Giacomo Puccini
D: Alex Rigola
C: Sesto Quatrini
Carmina Burana, Carl Orff
C: Fabio Luisi
Faust, Charles-François Gounod
D: Joan Anton Rechi
C: Frédéric Chaslin
I lombardi alla prima crociata (The Lombards on the First Crusade), Giuseppe Verdi
D: Valentino Villa
C: Sebastiano Rolli
Carmina Burana, Carl Orff
C: Alfonso Caiani
The Promised Land, Camille Saint-Saëns
C: Tugan Sokhiev
Concert, Various
C: Alfonso Caiani
Ariane et Barbe-bleue (Ariane and Bluebeard), Paul Dukas
D: Stefano Poda
C: Pascal Rophé
Le prophète (The Prophet), Giacomo Meyerbeer
D: Stefano Vizioli
C: Claus Peter Flor
Death in Venice, Benjamin Britten
D: Pier Luigi Pizzi
C: Bruno Bartoletti

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