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WDAV Dispatch from Spoleto: Chamber Music & Quartett

Angelico possesses a ferocious lower register but can still hit penetrating high notes, while his voice has a brassy burnish.

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05 juuni 2017blogs.wdav.orgFrank Dominguez
Adventures in knitting: A sensationally sung Ariadne auf Naxos in Bodø

He sang with an intense idealism. His voice is ideally suited for Strauss’ trouser roles, with a burnished chest register and a gleaming top.

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22 märts 2017bachtrack.comAksel Tollåli
Quartett, Francesconi
D: John Fulljames
C: Patrick Davin
WDAV Dispatch from Spoleto: Chamber Music & Quartett

Angelico possesses a ferocious lower register but can still hit penetrating high notes, while his voice has a brassy burnish.

Loe rohkem
05 juuni 2017blogs.wdav.orgFrank Dominguez
Ariadne auf Naxos, Strauss
D: Katharina Jakhelln Semb
C: Christian Kluxen
Adventures in knitting: A sensationally sung Ariadne auf Naxos in Bodø

He sang with an intense idealism. His voice is ideally suited for Strauss’ trouser roles, with a burnished chest register and a gleaming top.

Loe rohkem
22 märts 2017bachtrack.comAksel Tollåli

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