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Diana Damrau operettestje
Müpa Budapest (2024)
09 maggio 2024 (1 rappresentazioni)
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2h 30mins
Informazioni dall'organizzazione artistica (verificate da Operabase)

Diana Damrau operettestje by Strauss II, Lehár, Benatzky, Korngold, Strauss, Josef, Kálmán, Fall, Heuberger, Strauss, Eduard, Messager, Goethe, W., Offenbach, Lincke, Da (2024/2024), Direttore d'orchestra Ernst Theis, Béla Bartók National Concert Hall, Budapest, Ungheria

Crediti di rappresentazione (Cast e team di produzione )

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Seleziona LavoroDie Fledermaus (Il pipistrello), Strauss II


Programma, informazioni e sinossi

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Diana Damrau operettestje
Operettaconcert form
Paganini, Lehár

Liebe, du Himmel auf Erden ;Gern hab' ich die Frau'n geküsst

Operettaconcert form
Im weißen Rößl (Al cavallino bianco), Benatzky

Mein Liebeslied muss ein Walzer sein

Operettaconcert form
Friederike, Lehár

Warum hast du mich wachgeküsst

Operaconcert form
Operettaconcert form
Oratorio / Orchestraleconcert form
Gräfin Mariza (La contessa Maritza), Kálmán

Komm, Zigan' (Count Tassilo's aria from Act 1)

Operettaconcert form
Zigeunerliebe (Amore Zingaro), Lehár

‘Hör' ich Cymbalklänge' (Ilona's aria from Act 2)

Operettaconcert form
Die lustige Witwe (La vedova allegra), Lehár

‘Da geh' ich ins Maxim' (Danilo's aria from Act 1)

Operettaconcert form
Der süße Kavalier, Fall

Nur ein bisschen Rouge et Noir' (Grainville's aria)

Operettaconcert form
Der Opernball (Il Ballo dell'Opera), Heuberger

Komm' mit mir ins Chambre séparée' (Hortense and Henri's duet from Act 2)

Operaconcert form
Oratorio / Orchestraleconcert form
L'amour masqué (L'amore mascherato), Messager

‘J'ai deux amants' (Elle's song from Act 1)

Operaconcert form
Oratorio / Orchestraleconcert form
La Périchole (La cantante e il dittatore), Offenbach

Je suis grise' (Périchole's aria from Act 1)

Operettaconcert form
Frau Luna (Signora Luna), Lincke

Schlösser, die im Monde liegen' (Marie's aria from Act 1)

Operettaconcert form
Die Csárdásfürstin (La principessa della Csardas), Kálmán

Tanzen möcht' ich' (Sylva and Edwin's duet from Act 3)

Operettaconcert form

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